Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Moving on the brain

Recently Mike has decided to extend with the ship and move us up to WA. I am thrilled, I told him to do what he wants and I'll support him no matter what. We both wanted to live up there anyway and honestly it was the best option.

Until just this recently most of the moving process was on hold waiting for him to get leave dates and to show him the apartment for approval. All of that is good now. So I am constantly thinking of what needs to get done, when it needs to get done. Apparently thinking of it so much that I was not able to fall asleep last night until almost 1am. I think by that time I passed out hard only to wake up with him close to 6am and not be able to fall back asleep. Cleaning the house was running through my head and the questions we need to asking housing. There was a huge list that started and I ended up just tossing and turning.

It should be exciting up there. His mom would tell us all about how beautiful it is, things to do and just how much she loved it up there. So both of us have been looking forward to the possibility of living up there. I know she will definitely be one of our visitors! I also look forward to showing Perrin a different state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you'll like it there. Just keep the cold up there with you. LOL