Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 5

Today's workout was Pure Cardio. 

I had read about this workout online, just to get an idea of what it included. Most people said it was one of the hardest videos in the program. I was a little nervous after seeing that but actually excited too. 

The warm up was hard like normal. It includes 3 rounds of exercises with each round getting faster. There were exercises such as jogging, jumping jacks, butt kicks, and more. 

The next part was not like the other videos I had done. The other videos followed the warm up set up. This video though is like it's name and it's straight, pure cardio. 

I feel like I did good but there is always room for improvement. With every video I want to get better and push harder. 

In another news I was shocked that we were not slammed at work with people pulling out cash. We did get a steady amount of people in who wanted extra cash just in case. 

We went out to get a few things for ourselves. I think we're pretty set on water and food. I'm hoping it's not that bad but if it is we are prepared. 

1 comment:

Photina said...

You are doing great! You are really pushing those workouts.

Glad you two are prepared. Hope you stay nice and dry.